Task one: Texture adds a dimensional quality to photos, and changes with scale.
Task two: Make a creative photo of some sort of boundary
Task three: Make an artistic closeup photo of an ear- human, animal, whatever.
Task four: Take a photo of an object that represents how old you feel.
Task five: Take an extreme close-up of an easily recognizable, common object.
Task six: Take a picture of a word of a sign that represents the kind of day you are having.
Task seven: A perfect line. Make a photo of intersecting vertal, horizontal, or diagonal lines.
I really enjoyed this assignment, I completed this in my room with my roommates help (Her ear). and it was really fun to get up and explore my room to see what options I had for completing each task. I really like the deodorant picture and I thought that was a fun object to take a picture of because it is easily recognizable. I also thought it was really clever that I took a picture of the entry way to my dorm for the border picture as a door is usually blocking the hallway from my room. My roommate and I also have a fake grass welcome mat so that gave it some extra flare. Overall, this was a very fun assignment and I can’t wait to do more.
the picture of the deodorant is actually so funny because the angle of it makes it look so big and threatening, like I never thought i’d be afraid of deodorant but something about it… it’s looking at me weird…